Potty Training 101

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sophia has been showing a LOT of signs that she is ready for Potty Training.  She’s not a fan of having a dirty diaper and wants it changed as soon as it’s full.  Recently, she’s wanted to try sitting on the potty, and Monday morning it was the first thing she wanted to do after she woke up.  So, we made a special trip to  Target and made a few new purchases. 

This is our new potty chair:

If you’re wondering if I find it as ridiculous as it looks, I do.  BUT, it sings(?!), can be just the potty chair, or separates into a seat for on top of the regular toilet and a step stool.  It wasn’t a small factor that it was one of the cheaper options available as well!


When we got all loaded up with the potty chair, picked up a few other items and I converted one of the drawers in our bathroom for potty training.  We have some novelty underpants (just for fun on top of the diaper – SUPER cute!), wipes, diapers, Clorox wipes and flushable wipes.  {I’m just now realizing how many different wipes are in that drawer AND we realized later that flushable wipes won’t work in the sewage system at home.  Bummer – I guess we’ll need extra trash bags too, just in case!}

So, everything went REALLY well.  I opened the box, put it in the corner of the bathroom and she went!  Wow!  I might have gotten a bit excited and Sophia may, or may not, have started to sob because of my reaction.  Whoops!  I started thinking that it was my fault that she is now TERRIFIED of anything related to “potty,” but we’re now thinking that the act itself scared her, since she now begins to panic and backs away from any potty in complete fear.  Oh well, when she’s ready again, we’re all set!


A friend asked about advice for potty training recently and I realized how lucky I am that when potty training for Sophia really happens, I’ve already been through it twice and have a few experiences to lean on – one with a boy and one with a girl. 

I thought I’d share some of my experiences with you:

- Girls are easier!  A LOT of people say that this is the case, and I don’t think it’s a hard and fast rule, but in my experience, it’s definitely true!  In fact, I had so much confidence with the little girl I watch that we went out, on Day1 in just underpants (no diaper with us) and went to Barnes and Noble.  You might not need me to tell you that she had an accident.  Obvious mistake, right?  But, within a week she was pretty much done and knew what to do.

-With Ev, we had a LOT of books available for rewards and we spent HOURS in the bathroom just reading.  Sometimes I’d read to her, other times she’d read to me, and sometimes we’d read separately.  It was actually pretty fun and she was perfectly happy to just sit there and wait for something to happen.



-I think that summer is easiest, especially for boys.  You can spend your whole summer outside and not worry about finding a bathroom for a boy.  Any bush will do.  :)  It also can be easier for girls because they can just wear dresses and it’s easier to make that trip to the bathroom faster.  Whatever you do, elastic waist pants are helpful – precious seconds could be lost by working on buttons, if you know what I mean…

-Have a lot of rewards available – it helps!  Kids LOVE earning things, no matter what it is – jelly beans, M&M’s, books, toys, stickers or special outings with mom or dad.  You can have a sticker chart or a jar to fill up, whatever works for you.

- Know that there will be L-O-T-S of accidents and it’s OKAY to throw away the really icky pairs of underwear.  If you have a lighthearted attitude about the whole project, they won’t get stressed, everyone ends up happier and it’s a more positive experience.  It’s also okay if they seemed ready, but they change their mind.  If you push it, it’ll probably take longer and be a lot less successful.

- Sometimes you need them to be ready even if they’re not showing any signs that they’re interested (for example, most preschools require that children are potty trained – at least for the most part).   Go ahead and give it a try – what’s the harm?  You can always give up for a while if needed.

As for us, we will be waiting a bit longer.  Especially, since this picture pretty much sums up how Sophia feels about the potty right now:DSCN2587  

The potty is still in the bathroom, but I folded it down, so it’s less intimidating.  If she wants to great, if not, no biggie.  Although, if I’m honest, I wouldn't be devastated if this baby shows up and we end up with only one in full-time diapers.  Here’s hoping!!


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August 15, 2009 we were blessed with our beautiful baby girl. This is us, shouting to the world, how amazing and wonderful she is!


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