Big Girl Bed!?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My FAVORITE way to buy new things is to first sell old things/things we don’t need on Craigslist and then use that money to buy the new items.  So, when I sold our Snap' & Go stroller a couple weeks ago, I put the money aside for some new bedding for Miss Soph. 

When did my babe get so big?!?  I can’t believe that in just 5 short months she will be TWO YEARS OLD!  And the closer we get to that milestone, the closer we get to Babe #2, which means:  Toddler Bed!  This is probably going to happen sooner than originally planned, since our little monkey is so good at climbing and is working hard to figure out how to climb OUT of the crib.  No good…

I’ve had the week off while the kiddos are on a spring break vacay and have very much enjoyed the time off with Sophia.  Today, we headed up to Maple Grove to visit some of our favorite friends Amy and her little one, Haleigh.  These little ladies have been buddies since before they were even born and we like to think the friendship may continue for many years to come.

We loaded the girls up and headed to Pottery Barn Kids.  I had thought I would just get Soph a toddler pillow and pillow case, just to get started, but then there was a great deal on the very last set of girl toddler sheets, so we went ahead and used the rest of that Craigslist stash to get her a full set-up.

The girls had a great time playing with all the wonderful-ness that is Pottery Barn kids, and the mommies enjoyed browsing.

Sophia loves our pillows, and she loves to bunch up her blankets and sleep on top of them, so she was pretty thrilled that she had a pillow of her own.  I’m pretty sure it will be awhile before the top sheet stays on top of her, but it’s fun to see her in what will be the bedding for her Big Girl Bed!

How cute is the pattern on these sheets?!!  Finding something you were looking for on sale is great, but when said sale item is this cute, even better!!



chevysmith said...

Cute pictures! Especially the top one with Sophia on the phone. What a cutie-pie!

About This Blog

August 15, 2009 we were blessed with our beautiful baby girl. This is us, shouting to the world, how amazing and wonderful she is!


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