Monday, January 10, 2011
We had a such a good weekend – our schedule was almost empty and that’s my favorite kind of weekend! It started with a breakfast frittata that I had so much fun making,
And even more fun eating it! It’s SO good for you and so full of protein that you end up eating two servings, feeling stuffed and have plenty of calories left for extra cream in your coffee (my favorite right now is Coffee Mate’s Belgian Chocolate Toffee).
Breakfast Frittata (adapted from a Giada recipe):
4 egg whites
1 turkey sausage, crumbled and browned
1/2 c. spinach, chopped
1/2 c. cream (I used whole milk)
1/2 c. shredded cheddar
1 TB oil
salt and pepper
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.
Wisk egg whites until frothy, about a minute. Add cream, salt and pepper, to taste, and set aside.
Heat oil in an oven proof skillet (I used a cast-iron skillet), add spinach and turkey and cook about a minute until the spinach softens.
Add the egg white mixture and cook without stirring for four minutes.
Top with the cheese and move to the oven for about 13 minutes.
Cut, plate and enjoy!
Our weekend also included a lot of down-time, one very frustrating experience with a failed dough recipe, two yummy dinners and a lot of research into my latest obsession: sewing.
Remember this tutu? We’re on our way to having a pink one in our home (fabric and ribbon purchased!). My mother-in-law is graciously letting me relocate her sewing machine to the basement where I can get to work.
I also snagged this fantastic book at Barnes and Noble with the remainder of my Christmas gift card (thanks to my mom and brother!).
I can’t wait to get started. The patterns are very new and there’s only a couple I may skip over. There’s even a pattern for a poncho that I may turn into a red-riding hood for dress-up time. It’s similar to my favorite kinds of cookbooks, in that there are a TON of pictures, making it easy to visualize how it should look. I think it’s going to be a ton of fun!
I’ve actually hit my four-serving-fruit/veggie goal every day and made my gym goal easily (three times).
That has actually been the easiest part (the gym). I’m really motivated right now and having so much fun being pretty hard core about it. I probably would have gone more this past week but Sophia had the sniffles and I didn’t want her to get even worse by putting her in the child-care (or share her germs with the other kiddos). Is anyone else working on this “diet”? It’s really more of an eating plan, since the ideas isn’t to lose weight, but to form better habits. Please let me know if you are – I’d love to have a bit of accountability and to be able to help others do the same!
Do you want to make stuff for my kids too? ;) I have a sewing machine, but actual sewing usual ends in frustration and choice words...
I am trying to do the Toddler Diet as well. I did pretty well until yesterday... Rick brought home one of those huge bags of Peanut Butter M&M's and I was sneaking them all day long. :(
I even got to the gym 4 times last week!
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