Party pics...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Brace yourself! There are a LOT of pictures from the party...I just couldn't pick my favorites. Thank you SO much to Bri, who took the pictures for us! She did such a good job and it was so graet that I didn't have to think ONCE about picking up the camera to make sure we captured the memories.
She does a great job - you can see more of her pictures on her blog - click here.
The Wuollet's cupcakes - YUM!

Syrupy sweet punch I found on one of my favorite party blogs.

Pretty flowers for such a pretty birthday girl

The BIRTHDAY girl!!

I learned from a friend that both Kowalski's and Bylerly's give you a FREE cake for a child's first birthday - this one is from Kowalski's - how cute?!
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