Food Revolution
Friday, April 30, 2010
I fell in love with a new TV show this year - Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution! I already had one of his cookbooks and use to watch him when he was on food network. His cooking is based on whole ingredients and fresh food so that you end up eating a fairly healthy diet, with less processed food than we're all used to. I LOVE his cookbook and would love to get another one sometime in the future.
ANYWAY - the show was about getting fresher food into America's schools because most of what is served to kids at school is super processed and full of c-r-a-p. I was so excited about the show and it was really good - we actually still need to watch the finale - it's in our DVR. He went into one of the most unhealthy areas of the country and had an opportunity to change what they were serving the kids.
Things that might shock you about school lunch:
The people who were overseeing his experiment told him the pasta sauce he made with SEVEN vegetables in it didn't count as a veggie serving, but that a plate full of french fries did! WHAT?!
He also went into a classroom, just to see what the kids knew about food, and couldn't believe it when he held up normal veggies and they couldn't name them. One of them thought a tomato was a potato. Seriously...
Many schools ALWAYS offer kids strawberry milk (which, EWW, is SO wrong in the first place) and chocolate milk, both of which have more sugar in them than soda.
I think treats for kids are fine and fun and necessary sometimes - hello, that's why I love treating myself to my peppermint mochas at Starbucks!
But, wouldn't you rather that your kids are eating the most healthy stuff they can get, especially at school? I would prefer to be the one to give my kids the treats and enjoy them together and make sure that school lunch is healthy.
Guess what?
You can help!
Go here: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Petition and sign your name. If they get enough signatures they can take it to Congress and get some new guidelines passed.
You may not have a child who is in school yet, but if you are a parent they will be there at some point. Who knows - if they passed new guidelines than they may be in place by the time your little munchkin starts Kindergarten!
It will only take a second...
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