All I Want for Christmas...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is Sophia's Christmas list...
Okay, it's my list for her, but she would definitely get to enjoy any of these!!

The travel size version of her blanky, and dark so it won't get too dirty...

A toddler sized's not too hard to believe that she's already almost too long for her infant one! This would make it easier to keep going on walks outside - fresh air keeps everyone (mom and baby) from being cranky!

A spring jacket - I have a feeling her current jacket won't make it through April, and in MN, we may need one well into May!

And this...well, because it's so sweet. :)

Would you believe she's three months old and her lamp still doesn't have a shade?

This is one of the most fun baby toys. Each button has it's own instrument and plays different classical music songs.

If you have a little girl and have never read a Fancy Nancy book, I'd encourage you to check them out. We have almost all of them, and they're really cute!


About This Blog

August 15, 2009 we were blessed with our beautiful baby girl. This is us, shouting to the world, how amazing and wonderful she is!


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